Europe weather forecast 48h #weatherforecast #Europe (Prognoza meteo pentru Europa 48h). Radar #Europe this morning.
Europe weather forecast. You’ll find maps for wind, pressure that are expected in relevant European towns and areas affected by rainfall.
Also follow our Page Europe forecast 24-48h here Weather forecast 24h Europe
Va prezentam vremea de astazi in Europa. Temperaturi maxime in orase importante din Europa precum si zonele ce vor fi afectate de precipitatii.
Europe weather forecast 48h
Actual Europe weather conditions (Conditii meteo in Europa acum)
Real time cloud cover Europe
Europe weather forecast 24h
Europe weather forecast 24 – 48h
Rainfall Europe 48 h (Precipitatii Europa astazi si maine)
Chance of precipitation Europe % 48 h (Sansa de a avea precipitatii)
Wind gusts 48 h (Intensificari ale vantului)
Relative sunshine 48h
Cloudness 48h
Snowfall Europe
Radar Europe – Real Time image
Today Sinoptic chart – 4 January (Harta sinoptica Europa astazi)
Sinoptic chart autoupdate (Harta sinoptica Europa)
Weather Europe 72h
Credit: Deutscher Wetterdienst,,